Monday, 17 June 2013

Healthy Eating our way

Imagine having a smoked bacon sandwich on a fresh white bread spread with butter and brown sauce and to top it up with an extra helping of salt. What do you think the sandwich, apart from salty, will taste like? I know someone who knows someone who likes to have his bacon sandwich with an extra helping of salt. Now this is what i call as serious abuse of moderation and this is where we have the problem.

Redpepper & cucumber salad
Eating healthy has become the latest craze in today's world but what do you mean by eating healthy? A simple test will possibly answer the above question. Type the word 'healthy eating' in Google search and see how many billion pages of search result you get. Follow 10 random web pages on eating healthy and you will realize that every single one of them has got something different to say. Who to choose, who to follow? 

The Health is Wealth course at +Lucknam Park Hotel cookery school tries to answer the above questions but then again i am not a qualified nutritionist who will study an individual in detail and then suggest what the person should eat or not. What we do is give you an overall idea of healthy eating and then create dishes which have the punch of flavour and at the same time flair of creativity. 

We give emphasis on seasonal produce and good quality produce. Good quality does not necessarily mean costly but for us it is the source of the produce. We also refrain from over seasoning in our dishes. I believe that the flavours should blend first then add just enough seasoning to enhance the flavour. We also stress on the simplicity of the dishes and understanding the cooking methods of the dishes.
Marinated chicken skewer, chickpea and rice

Healthy eating is a vast subject to discuss. I am going to leave you with a couple of dishes which we do on the course and let you decide what do you think of the dishes.

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